Medical Technology Laboratory Department


02-451-4920 ext 1102,1104,1105

Open 24 Hours

General Information

Duty Providingmedical analysis services by placing specimens collected from patients undergoing testing to look for infectionsinfections that may lead to serious diseases or to check their integrity and defects. To be used as an aid in the treatment of disease further to meet the needs of doctors and patients.

Goal The results of the analysis are accurate, complete and fast and reliable. With a standardized analysis report reporting system and modern analyzers, as well as providing adequate and safe blood banking services create satisfaction for service recipients.

Service scope 
1. Clinical Chemistry Group for analyzing chemicals in specimens derived from blood and body fluids.
2. Hematology Division Check the integrity of the blood cells and diagnose blood coagulation mechanism, etc. 
3. Clinical Microscopy Work Group analyze urine and various secretions of the body under a microscope.
4. Clinical Microbiology Division for Screening for tuberculosis, fungi and other bacteria with a microscope.
5. Immunology Division Lymphological analysis diagnose bacterial infectious disease, viral infection Including the detection of hormones and cancer markers as well.
6. The Blood Bank ABO and Rh blood group as well as the supply of blood components to the patient, are tested for the compatibility of blood between the donor and receiver by receiving the blood components directly from the Thai Red Cross national blood center.

Responsible physician 
Dr. Kanlayanee Chanphen, Profession License Number, Tor.Nor 7209

The Department of Medical Technology Laboratory was certified for quality management system from the Medical Technology Council continuously since 2013 until now.

For more information, please call
02-4514920 ext. 1102,1104,1105